25 - Tying the deadly Silicone Daddy
For those of you who have gotten out the fly tying gear during this lockdown time why not kit up with a Silicone Daddy Longlegs. Easy to tie for those getting back into making their own flies but triky enough to make sure that you get it right. Although Crane flies, or Daddy Longlegs as we know them, are often seen throughout the warmer summer months, the major hatches of these flies really come towards the end of the summer, starting in early September, and they may last through until October. Daddy Longlegs belong to a family of insects called Diptera. They are a very common fly with over 90 sub-species. Daddies are found throughout the United Kingdom and with a long hatching period can be found during many time of year. Hence it is essential that your fly box always has a few of these go to Daddy flies. Daddies have a very recognizable shape with a long body and thin stilt like legs and short delicate wings. They will vary in colour but are typically found in shades of brown, grey and yellow. Daddies spend the first part of their lives as larvae in the earth, feeding until they are ready to hatch and mate. They emerge from dense vegetation and can be found in grasslands and other tangled vegetation, where they ‘hang out’ as they search for a mate. Daddies are awkward flies and very susceptible to the wind. They are often blown off the grasses into streams and lakes. Once trapped in the water they become food for hungry fish. Daddy Longlegs are often fished wet or dry and represent the drowning Daddy in the surface film of the water. When stalking along banks always keep an eye out on the wind and the gradient of the bank as this will indicate the likely places where drowning daddies are to be found. Where the calm surface water meets the ripple is where you want to target your flies. This is because the Daddy will be blown by the wind across the surface of the water until it hits the calm water. It is along this line that cruising trout patrol, waiting to pick of the drowning Daddies. When presenting the Daddy allow a little slack in the line to let the fly drift. A few twitches will mimic movement and disturb the surface, encouraging a strike. It has also been known for fish to swamp a Daddy before going for the take. With this in mind, watch for the swamp and delay the strike.
If you enjoy the idea of tying but want to save time then check out our range of dadies HERE. |
Step 1 Secure a #10 Dry Fly Hook. Tie in using a black thread. |
Step 2 Tie in the silicone mayfly body at rear. |
Step 3 Tie in the daddylong legs. x3 on each side |
Step 4 Tie in a blue dun cock hackle. Tie spent. |
Step 5 Tie in a brown cock hackle to finish. |